Senin, 31 Maret 2014

writing 3

1name: tuti aryati
srn     :12340052
writing 3
 How to write paragraph with adequate and inadequate cohesion.
Paragraphs are the building blocks of papers. Many students define paragraphs in terms of length: a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences, a paragraph is half a page long, etc. In reality, though, the unity and coherence of ideas among sentences is what constitutes a paragraph. A paragraph is defined as “a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit” (Lunsford and Connors 116). Length and appearance do not determine whether a section in a paper is a paragraph. For instance, in some styles of writing, particularly journalistic styles, a paragraph can be just one sentence long. Ultimately, a paragraph is a sentence or group of sentences that support one main idea. In this handout, we will refer to this as the “controlling idea,” because it controls what happens in the rest of the paragraph.Before you can begin to determine what the composition of a particular paragraph will be, you must first decide on a working thesis for your paper. What is the most important idea that you are trying to convey to your reader? The information in each paragraph must be related to that idea. In other words, your paragraphs should remind your reader that there is a recurrent relationship between your thesis and the information in each paragraph. A working thesis functions like a seed from which your paper, and your ideas, will grow. The whole process is an organic one—a natural progression from a seed to a full-blown paper where there are direct, familial relationships between all of the ideas in the paper.
2. Tell more about cohesion.
Cohesion is an ordinal type of measurement and is usually described as “high cohesion” or “low cohesion”. Modules with high cohesion tend to be preferable because high cohesion is associated with several desirable traits of software including robustness, reliability, reusability, and understandability whereas low cohesion is associated with undesirable traits such as being difficult to maintain, difficult to test, difficult to reuse, and even difficult to understand
Types of cohesion
Cohesion is a qualitative measure meaning that the source code text to be measured is examined using a rubric to determine a cohesion classification. The types of cohesion, in order of the worst to the best type, are as follows:
Coincidental cohesion (worst)
a.Logical cohesion
b.Temporal cohesion
c.Communicational cohesion
d.Sequential cohesion
e.Informational cohesion 
3Write more about the difference between coherence and cohesion.
COHESION is a state or situation in which all the parts or ideas fit together well so that they form a united whole. Synonym : cohesiveness, coherence Example : There was no cohesion in their performance. The lack of cohesion within the party lost them votes at election time.

COHERENCE is (The quality that something has when it makes sense or is pleasing because all the parts or steps fit together well and logically Synonym : unity Antonym : incoherence Example : The stage sets were brilliant and they gave coherence to a piece which was bitty in the second half. The points you make are fine, but the whole essay lacks coherence

4. Show which text or sentence that shows adequate or inadequate cohesion on your paragraph by underlining or putting in the table.

Tuti aryati

I wanna to describing my selft about my name, how do me look like, where I live , the best thing about me, my hobby, how interest in my hobby, the activity wich me enjoy doing free time.

My name is Tuti Aryati, I get age 20 years, I come into the world at intermediate java on the fifteenth 27th March 1993. I ask for to my friend call me" tuti" but if at my family always at call by the name of ‘ sara ” and available also that call I with the title “ jail ”. jail's name I get while I follow elementary education at KSR PMI'S SME muhammmadiyah's university unit metro on the fifteenth 3rd February 2013 at muhammadiyah's university campus up to more or less fourteen days. My education background is I first school at sd atar's country onion and on class four I school move at sd country 1 kebayan's stone, both of smp country 1 belalau, sma third country 1 belalau. And its present drawns out to college at muhammadiyah's university metro and now I had semester four, english language education majors semester four.

my origin of Javanese Intermediate and religion I am Islamic, since my indigenous Javanese oldster Intermediate. Even me Java person, I live in liwa lampung's city west, particularly on p. diponegoro's road no. 001 liwa lampung west. I cohabit oldster. But its present remained alone and my kost at clears a root kihajar dewantara 38B. I have one elder sister but now haven't cohabit we because she has gotten married and having a funny little girl. Physically, I have nutbrown skin, and my eye black color. My hair is elongated, but I do ever utilize veil. My blood group B. I high have vicinity 160 cm, and body weight I about 50 kg. As a woman, I high enough, My hobby is get organization,since with gets organization can make me not perceive solitude, there are many experience which I get over there, making I understand all this time activity haven't I know and add my science about that activity and place get pengetehuan new. KSR PMI Um's SME example metro, IMM( Tied up College Student muhammadiyah). I also like listen music. I prefer Indonesia music. And few west musics. to utilize leeway usually I utilize to study,watching tv, shoping and laan any other. Besides sometime I follow to program blood donor, health seminar and studi appeals at lampung's port

My friend say if I am funny, care, menel and impudent. I am leisured because family I and friend love me. affection and motifasi is family that makes I spirit,I hope that I can success and making happy both of oldster, family, and friend that love me. And I do ever pray to God road give swt that easy to reach all aspiration an makes me successful person deep religion facet,nusa and nation.

Note: the red colour is the cohesion sentences.

  1.  You should explain why your text or sentence that you underline is categorized into cohesion.
I write this paragraph to share other people. I just want inform to other people, in order to they know about me and my activities

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

assigment writing meeting 2

Tell more about coherence
coherence comes from a latin word meaning "to stick" together. when you policies, arguments,and strategies are coherence you are praising them for making sense.

Write your title
describing myself

Writing a descriptive paragraph, Identifying paragraphs with adequate and inadequate unity, & coherence: (peer conference) with the topic "Describing Yourself".
My topic is “ describing myself”

Describing myself
I wanna to describing my selft about my name, how do me look like, where I live , the best thing about me, my hobby, how interest in my hobby, the activity wich me enjoy doing free time.
The first, my name is tuty aryaty I am was born in the middle java on 27 march 1993, now I am study in the university muhammadiyah of metro english education study program teacher training and education faculty semester  four.
The second, how do me look like, I think you can look me about my activity and my business the excample my hobby, my study etc. where I live, I live in my boarding house 38 b metro city this ih the best thing about me, my hobby is to follow ukm in my campus the example  ukm KSR-PMI um metro, IMM( ikatan mahasiswa muhammadiyah). How intereest in my hobby  I must like  the hobby and to follow all activity, don not look bored and always enjoy in activity and them. The activity wich me enjoy doing in free time to make a group in my ukm to discuss about my ukm, activity in everyday or make a some programe the example is make a aksi donor darah, healty seminar and study banding in all ukm KSR-PMI all lampung.

Senin, 17 Maret 2014

writing 3

definition about narrative text
narrative text is a text amuse, entertain and dealwith actual or vicarious experience in different ways. narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.
narrative text focusing some spesific participants that have several structural features making different other genres. narrative is used most often in: fables, myths and legend , detective stories, adventure story, thrilers, period dramas.

generic structure of narrative
1. orientation : introducing the participants and informing the time and the place.
2. complication :describing the rising crises which the participants  have to do with or among  participants                 relationship in a process of social interection
3. resolution : showing the way of participant to solve the crises , better or worse
4. re-orientation: optinal
5. evalution : a stepping back to evaluate the plight

definition of expository text
expository text is a paragraph that explains or analyzes a topic is an expository paragraph. can be divided into several model of writing  such as process paragraph and procedure paragraph.

generic structure
1. topic sentence
2. supporting sentence : example, detail, charts
3. concluding sentence

definition of descriptive tex
descriptive text is a text  explain something from where the object being described are located which is called spatial organization

generic structure of descriptive
1. topic sentence
2. supporting sentences
3. concluding sentence
4. logical development