Selasa, 29 April 2014

narrative paragraph

Name     : tuti aryati
Srn        : 12340052
Subyek  : narrative paragraph
              Meeting 6

The hardest thing i have to do
 Well guys, my name is tuti aryati, in here I have many problems about my life, one that quite a is so difficult for I to perform despite was various trick have my strike a blow for but its result was maximal and sometimes I begin tire with this my life, problem that I faces is disciplined. One that as expectation I friend all following it can help my to solve problems that my dealing hits discipline. That I can become person that aptly successful and successful according to what do become my aspiration. maybe friend ask why be disciplined that as a sea of troubles for me. Work through about discipline which I write am not its meaning can't live comate yes discipline, maybe was enough satisfies about discipline of self me, since is still a lot of just work's and time that dumped bungled I that can't utilize, this is that as a sea of troubles of I alive. In performs a my work more am happy to delay it and if time that is given was enough therefore I will headlong one of my discipline character that adverse, that just one of example of my discipline attitude even in here still a lot of character was disciplined by me ones was performed as punctual pray to allah swt, insufficiently utilizes leeway,streamlining playtime and studying, dividing time among college and organisation.and is not just that deep health area also I indisciplinary, as eating not in time, rest that not sufficiently.
 maybe friend ask why I pass an opinion to hit discipline word as thing that difficult to be done. According to I disciplined by it is easy if just revealed by word pass but on its result is so difficult to be performed and is applied deep life everyday evenless if practice by perceives enforced. Really advisable that discipline begins of be forced, enforced and finally gets use, but to thrust self that the most is hard. Without marks sense push of self individual and motifasi of extern factor.
That discipline form kind sort it, well time discipline,discipline talks shop, religion and wont disciplines. All this discipline form difficult one to be applied deep life everyday, that terminologicals I this because become a sea of troubles in life me.
 Say simpel's discipline and seems to be so easy to be performed. But in reality that discipline is so difficult to be performed, why this can happen since to inure and disciplining self that difficult utmost besides escorted by lazy character,each man or individual has character and character that variably. And in behave its even life different. Widely varied that discipline amongst those which is time discipline talks shop, religion etc.. That discipline have positive impact that admirably, discipline also reflect someone individuality.
 Hopefully friend which read my story can give motivations and get to help that I can more live discipline again. And say thanks for my friends which can help me,

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